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Doing business with long legs

Thứ ba,24/10/2017

The story begins with the journey of setting up the company, finding where to put two machines in Saigon and finally "piggyback" two machines from Saigon to Da Nang. Dinh Quang Minh, the young director called his mobile vending machines "her long legs".

Fear is not done

In 2012, Japan has 5.5 million servers serving 100 million people. At that time, Vietnam had just a few dozen machines serving 90 million people. "The potential is enormous. I also see the reason that early investors fail. I try not to fall into their car, "Minh said.

While many people previously imported machines from Taiwan, cheaper but not able to upgrade the processor ... Minh imported machines from the United States, higher prices but can upgrade, install the processor of any Every company will work. Also, many people did not dare to put the machine in public places, in the street because of fear of damage, fear of being destroyed, Minh again do so that anyone can use it. Of course the machine that Minh entered is the type of machine used to put on the road, although quite bulky but durable and resistant to rain and sunshine.

"My biggest problem right now is not technology, not capital, nor source of goods, but administrative procedures, lease procedures to put machines in public places, in airport, train station, bus station, cinema, commercial center, university ... ".
Dinh Quang Minh, Director of Minh Lam Company

"Despite the risk of being broken machine but did not fear, fear was not done. Most of the companies that previously entered the machine to introduce their products without serious sales problems to make money. For me, I sell products that many people like to buy. I do not build a brand or introduce a product to any brand. I sell to make profit, "Minh shared.

Transactions by Google Translate

With limited English capital, in 2012, Minh still boldly contacted his counterpart in the United States, borrowed money from his relatives to enter the machine. "I asked my partner to send me an e-mail, and I would reply as soon as I received it, because by e-mail I could read or use Google Translate to understand and answer. Partners understand that my English is not good so they often write very simple sentences so I can understand the problem right away. Later, they write in English the same way I write for them, "Minh said.

Since it was not technically civil, installation and commissioning was a real problem for him. To learn "occupation", he had to ... destroy the first machine to learn the principles of operation, how to handle the problem ... The machine can not use anymore, become scrap metal, but he considered that amount pay for apprenticeship.

He said: "Each machine when imported is accompanied by a guide book in English about 300 pages thick. I try to read and understand the main issues. US vending machines or in that it is possible to assemble and replace single parts very easily. These parts can be imported from many different sources in the world to save costs. The body I imported used from the US. Coin processor, imported 100% new from Germany. The paper and polymer processor imports 100% new goods from Canada and Taiwan. "

In October 2012, he made his own application to establish Minh Lam Vending Machine Co., Ltd.

Each automatic vending machine weighs about 400kg, when filled with 500 bottles, can cans and attached concrete soles, each weighs about 1.5 tons.

"Long legs" from Saigon to Danang

Any obstacle in entering the machine, mastering technology seems to have passed and may start making money, but he admitted he was wrong. All difficulties are just beginning.

The most difficult is the license to place vending machines. He contacted hundreds of universities, dock, bus station, train station, hospital ... in Ho Chi Minh City, but all hopeless. "Go from place to place, day in and day out without renting a place. Sometimes very discouraged but definitely not give up because I will be empty, "he said.

So you have to try again. Filing and waiting for nine months, sending records repeated three times, time-consuming, money of the situation is still not very good.

He sent a letter to Danang People's Committee. About three days later, a representative of Danang People's Committee invited him to Danang to survey and make a detailed plan of testing vending machines in public places in the city. "My company imported about five machines, one was broken for the job training, one is located at the 4th campus of Hoa Sen University, two machines in Da Nang are located in the Han market. And Pham Van Dong Marine Park is very good. The machine is waiting for permission to put out the road in public service in Da Nang. Currently, I have three more machines are on the train from the US to Vietnam, "Minh said.

Ten years later

Prior to investing in business, Dinh Quang Minh never used a vending machine that was only seen on film, through YouTube ... but he assumed that

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